Bread – Poulsbo Documentary Family Photographer

I love baking, but I’ve never managed to make bread. I’ve made cakes, cupcakes, and cookies of all sorts. However, bread has always intimidated me. It seems to require timing, patience, finesse and – let’s face it – a certain undivided attention that I cannot manage to give. But last year I tried. Well, I took a baby step and tried out a quick bread – no yeast, no proofing, just kneading that throwing in the oven. I tried Irish Soda Bread from my absolute favorite cookbook for all things baked, The Back in the Day Bakery Cookbook.

It looked a lot better than it tasted. In reality it was a bit dense and underdone but my 5 year old couldn’t tell the difference or care. We still got to bake together and he still got to eat a bit of something he helped create.

Here is the September installment of Here & Now – the day we baked.

morning scenes - poulsbo documentary family photographyfather and daughter - poulsbo documentary family photography5 year old boy helps make bread - poulsbo documentary family photographyscene out window - poulsbo documentary family photographybaby naps with father - poulsbo documentary family photographyboy waits impatiently - poulsbo documentary family photographybread finished baking -= poulsbo documentary family photographycomputer work with pets - poulsbo documentary family photographypets enjoying nice weather - poulsbo documentary family photographyboy plays in curtains - poulsbo documentary family photographybaby makes faces - poulsbo documentary family photographyboy eats ice cream in car - poulsbo documentary family photographybrother and sister eat dinner - poulsbo documentary family photographybrother and sister play on floor- poulsbo documentary family photographylate at night baby sleeps on mom - poulsbo documentary family photography



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