P52 Week 39 – Juxtaposition – Kitsap Photographer

Juxtaposition is the theme for week 39.  Unlike many of the techniques explored in DuChemin’s “The Visual Toolbox” this one is less technical and more content driven.  It’s not about camera settings or even about composition and how you place elements within a frame.  It is about what is in the frame itself.  Juxtaposition is about concepts in contrast.

Old with new.  Light with dark.  Natural with man-made.  Happy with sad.

Juxtaposition is something I love in an image, it immediately draws me in and makes me look at a photograph so much longer than I would otherwise.  At the same time I often find it so very challenging to incorporate into my work.  Below is a mild juxtaposition. The only gas station in Big Sur.  This little Shell station with it’s bright colors and digital displays in the middle of a location that strives to look (and mostly is) “untouched.”

The only gas station in Big Sur - Kitsap Photographer

Kitsap County, Washington
(843) 991-7635 - erika@littlefishphoto.com