Happy Home – Poulsbo Lifestyle Newborn Photography

I really do love in home sessions. They are truly my happy place. I know I’ve mentioned on a few occasions (like here, or here) how much I believe holding sessions at home. That belief certainly hasn’t waned over the years. This sweet little newborn session was no exception to the rule.

Mom and Dad comfortably tended to baby and enjoyed each other’s company. Big sis showed me all her tricks. Their two dogs dutifully followed everyone through out the house making sure that everything was in order and that they also received some love and attention. And the newest member of the family, a baby boy, was awake for every wonderful second of our afternoon together.

happy big sister in crib with baby brother - Kitsap Newborn Photography

family on couch with 4 year old girl and newborn boy - Kitsap Newborn Photography

baby with dogs - Kitsap Newborn Photography

mother reaches for daughter while holding son - Kitsap Newborn Photography

father changes son's diaper - Kitsap Newborn Photography

newborn baby boy -Kitsap Newborn Photography

happy 4 year old girl jumps on bed with dogs - big sister in crib with baby brother - Kitsap Newborn Photography


Kitsap County, Washington
(843) 991-7635 - erika@littlefishphoto.com