One Year Together – Kitsap Lifestyle Photographer

I love watching families grow and evolve.  There is something so special about watching a couple anxiously await their little bundle of joy, then adjust to life as new parents.  It’s just the best!

And you know what’s even better?  Seeing the same little family a year later and seeing how little has changed.  It is incredible to see people who are so content, happy, and just solid in their relationship simply add another happy little soul to the mix.  Such was the case here.  I have never seen such an easy to please and content one year old.  I met up with the little guy and his mom and dad in Port Gamble to celebrate his first birthday and soak up the location before the family moved.

I mean, seriously, could these three be more adorable???

Family exploring the streets in Port Gambleboy crawls on sidewalks in Port Gamble Washingtonone year old boy with family in Port Gambleyoung family laughing - lifestyle photographyfamily in fieldfamily with evergreensyoung family in field - lifestyle photographyfather holds yawning boy - Kitsap Lifestyle photography

Kitsap County, Washington
(843) 991-7635 -