Statement and Style – Poulsbo Lifestyle Photographer

This past January/February I signed up to take an online workshop called Find, Define & Refine Your Style through the ClickinMoms forum. And guys, if you know me, you know I’m a bit of an online workshop addict. I try to take a few every year. I’m totally a sucker for structure, guidance and a classroom setting even if it’s in the form of a message board. But, for as many courses as I have taken, and books I have read, and video series I have watched; I have never done more than mention them in passing here. Sure you’ve seen images that have been the result of those courses spontaneously included in the posts of this blog, but I’ve never felt compelled to go into detail about the new techniques I was experimenting with or the assignments I was working on.

This course was a little different. I barely shot for this course at all. Instead we spent time analyzing our past works, discussing our impulses when it came to shooting and our processing style and how that relates to our personalities. As a result, I didn’t come away with a handful of images that I liked, but that may or may not really fit in with my body of work as a whole. I came away with a curated and organized portfolio of images that reflect who I am as a photographer as well as an artist statement. That’s right. I wrote a freaking artist statement, ya’ll! And I’d be telling you a bold face lie if I said I wasn’t a tiny bit proud of both.

So here I am on blog shamelessly showing off the end products.

My artist statement can now be found on the ABOUT page of my Fine Art site and my final portfolio can be found HERE on Flickr. If you’d like to hear a full-fledged review of the workshop or have any questions about my experience, just drop me an email.  I’d love to talk to you about it.

And, because heaven forbid I actually write a whole post without and actual photo in it, here’s my little dude stomping in some puddles this past weekend.

little boy splashes in puddle at Skagit County Tulip Festival in Mount Vernon, Washington


Kitsap County, Washington
(843) 991-7635 -