P52 Week 35 – People – Kitsap Lifestyle Photographer

Week 35 is about capturing people.  Sounds simple enough, right?  Not always.  In his book “The Visual Toolbox” David DuChemin argues that photographing people is less about the technical and more about the relational; the ability to connect with a person and to make that person comfortable enough to open up in front of the camera.

For this “people” week I selected this shot of my husband.  It took a while but I have finally gotten to a place where I can get some really natural and telling pictures of this guy.  And this photo is pretty aptly him.  Coffee, phone, shooting me a look that’s a little challenging, little goofy and at the same time completely good humored.  And bonus points because this photo also features his vacation mustache/beard.  Since he has to be clean cut for work he doesn’t shave when he’s on vacation and it’s become one of those quirky little things that just makes me extremely happy.

candid man drinking coffee - Kitsap Lifestyle Photographer

Kitsap County, Washington
(843) 991-7635 - erika@littlefishphoto.com